Enjoying the II International Conference on African Urban Planning in Lisbon

By Adriano Biza

It was a great experience to attend the II International Conference on African Urban Planning. The event was organised by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) of the University of Lisbon in collaboration with International Planning History Society (IPHS) and was held in Lisbon, on 7th and 8th September 2017. Continue reading

Dynamic adaptive policy pathways approach for Maputo

by André and Jesper

Jesper characterized the challenges that Maputo faces using the framework of Dynamic Adaptive Pathways (DAPPS), which was developed by Marjolijn Haasnoot, a colleague at the Faculty of TPM here in Delft. You can read all about Jesper’s work in this entry. Continue reading

Updated publication list

by André

This update was long due. I’ve just added Jesper‘s (MSc), Nessia‘s (MSc), Stijn‘s (BSc) and Jelle‘s (BSc) thesis to the website. I’ve also added Noor‘s recent IWA’s poster. As always, if you wish to receive a copy of any of these documents, please send me an email.

Witnessing the politics of integrated urban resilience agenda in Mozambique

by Adriano

In the past 20th April I had the opportunity to witness some of the efforts to integrate the theme of urban resilience into the planning cycle in Mozambique. I participated in an event named “The Dialogue on Urban Resilience in Mozambique”. This event aimed to stimulate new ideas and solutions to incorporate disaster resilience into the country’s development strategies, plans and programs. More information can be found on UN Habitat’s Facebook page. Continue reading

Participation at World Water Day 2017 in Maputo

by Adriano, Celma and Noor

This year’s World Water Day theme was “Wastewater: Promoting its Reuse, for Sustainable Development”. In Mozambique the day was celebrated with several activities organized by the National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation (DNAAS, in Portuguese). Among them, it involved speech at educational institutions such as schools and Universities and at the main ceremony day on 22 March 2017. Continue reading

Cholera outbreak in Maputo: the impact of insufficient sanitation services and limited access to drinking water

by André

By now you might have read that there’s an ongoing cholera outbreak in Maputo and in a couple other cities and regions in Mozambique – four in total. Continue reading

Technology for life: PhD honoris causa for Manuel Alvarinho

by André

We often hear that researchers are detached from reality and trapped in ivory towers. Well, to prove all this wrong, this year to celebrate its 175th anniversary, during the Dies Natalis, TU Delft granted a PhD honoris causa to Manuel Alvarinho of CRA for his groundbreaking work in the water and sanitation sector in Mozambique and we could not be happier. Continue reading

Mid-term review

by André

On the last week of November we met in Den Haag with NWO for the mid-term review and we have to say that the reviewers were quite positive. Continue reading


by André

In the last few months we had three MSc defenses: Iana went first, the 19th of September, followed by Jay-el on the 23rd. More recently (30th of November) was the time for Nessia‘s MSc defense. They all did really well and you can grab a copy of the theses here.

Then, on the 24th of November both Celma and Noor defended their research proposals, with Adriano doing the same on the 29th. The three of them got a GO.

Congratulations everybody!

Updated publication list

by André

I have just updated our publication list, both the BSc and the MSc theses. As before, if you wish to receive a copy just send me an email (a.marquesarsenio@tudelft.nl).