By Adriano Biza and Natalia Reyes Tejada
On 18th November 2020, we had our third webinar on Governance and Inclusive Management of Urban Water, with about 45 participants. Read all about it below. Continue reading
By Adriano Biza and Natalia Reyes Tejada
On 18th November 2020, we had our third webinar on Governance and Inclusive Management of Urban Water, with about 45 participants. Read all about it below. Continue reading
by André
As I mentioned in our last post we are organizing a series of webinars covering the various aspects of the “Integrated Urban Water Management “. The webinars are part of a project in partnership between AQUASHARE and TU Delft, funded by NWO‘s program on Urbanizing Deltas of the World. In this new post I am sharing detailed information about the first three events, starting from September 2020. Continue reading
by André
We are very happy to inform you that we have a new capacity building and advocacy project together with AQUASHARE. Read all below. Continue reading
by Noor, Celma, Natalia and Adriano
This is a long-due update on project activities. Each one of our PhD students wrote a short summary of the activities done in the previous months.
by Adriano
The electoral season in Mozambique is open. On October 10th we are going to have the fifth municipal elections in the country. This election will decide who are the new decision– makers and solvers of the various problems that affect the 53 large and small cities and towns of Mozambique. The debates held so far in the run up to the elections are more directed to conventional politics: the transfers of members from one party to another, the exclusion by the National Election Commission of three candidates from the opposition side, the anecdotes about temporary adversarial linkages that weave behind the scenes of parties. Continue reading
by André, Adriano, Noor and Natalia,
Last month we organized our second water reclamation symposium. With these public events we aim at sharing our main findings, engage local stakeholders and raise the awareness regarding the potential for water reclamation. This time around we asked DNAAS to host the symposium, which they accepted – thank you so much for all the support! Continue reading
By Adriano Biza
It was a great experience to attend the II International Conference on African Urban Planning. The event was organised by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) of the University of Lisbon in collaboration with International Planning History Society (IPHS) and was held in Lisbon, on 7th and 8th September 2017. Continue reading
by Adriano
In the past 20th April I had the opportunity to witness some of the efforts to integrate the theme of urban resilience into the planning cycle in Mozambique. I participated in an event named “The Dialogue on Urban Resilience in Mozambique”. This event aimed to stimulate new ideas and solutions to incorporate disaster resilience into the country’s development strategies, plans and programs. More information can be found on UN Habitat’s Facebook page. Continue reading
by Adriano, Celma and Noor
This year’s World Water Day theme was “Wastewater: Promoting its Reuse, for Sustainable Development”. In Mozambique the day was celebrated with several activities organized by the National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation (DNAAS, in Portuguese). Among them, it involved speech at educational institutions such as schools and Universities and at the main ceremony day on 22 March 2017. Continue reading
by Adriano Biza
Through an invitation of Professor Leila Harris, on behalf of the International Waters Research and Training Network I had the opportunity of participating in a “Workshop on Water Equity and Resilience in Southern Africa”, which was held between 24th and 26th August 2016, at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies, Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Continue reading