By Celma Janeiro and Noor Gulamussen
On 14 October 2020 we had our second webinar, with more than 60 participants. Read all about it below. Continue reading
By Celma Janeiro and Noor Gulamussen
On 14 October 2020 we had our second webinar, with more than 60 participants. Read all about it below. Continue reading
by André
As I mentioned in our last post we are organizing a series of webinars covering the various aspects of the “Integrated Urban Water Management “. The webinars are part of a project in partnership between AQUASHARE and TU Delft, funded by NWO‘s program on Urbanizing Deltas of the World. In this new post I am sharing detailed information about the first three events, starting from September 2020. Continue reading
by André
We are very happy to inform you that we have a new capacity building and advocacy project together with AQUASHARE. Read all below. Continue reading
by Noor, Celma, Natalia and Adriano
This is a long-due update on project activities. Each one of our PhD students wrote a short summary of the activities done in the previous months.
by Adriano, Celma and Noor
This year’s World Water Day theme was “Wastewater: Promoting its Reuse, for Sustainable Development”. In Mozambique the day was celebrated with several activities organized by the National Directorate of Water Supply and Sanitation (DNAAS, in Portuguese). Among them, it involved speech at educational institutions such as schools and Universities and at the main ceremony day on 22 March 2017. Continue reading
by Celma
During the period of 22 July to 01 August this year I attended a summer course at Michigan State University (MSU) about Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment. This course was an important experience that provided tools and knowledge to implement AMRA into my PhD research. It also served as a network platform within QMRA researchers community group. Throughout that week I attended lectures and learned how to develop case studies. The course was very intense but I was still able to get around East Lansing visiting the MSU Campus and the University Museum.
by Adriano, Celma, Joaquim and Noor
Through NWO we got the possibility of attending the 4th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference (10-13 May 2016) in Rotterdam. The conference has the watchword “Adaptation Futures 2016: Practices and Solutions”. The venue with different features included plenaries, round tables, science session, practice session and science-practice session. The themes covered included cities and infrastructures; food, forestry and rural livelihoods; fresh water availability and access; public health; ecosystems based ecosystem based adaptation; disaster risk reduction and the artic. Cross-cutting issues covered topics such as, risk assessment, adaption planning and evolution; institutions and governance and; finance, investment and business. The opening speech was done by Melanie Schultz van Haegen, Minister of Infrastructure and Environment of the Netherlands; Robert-Jan Smits, Director for Research and Innovation, representative of the European Commission; and Ibrahim Thiaw, Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. Continue reading
by André and Noor
On the last week of January 2016 André, Noor and Celma attended an NWO workshop in Ho Hi Minh City, Vietnam. The meeting brought together, for the first time, researchers and PhD candidates involved in the Urbanizing Deltas of the World-I (UDW-I) call, and created an open forum for discussion on the content and on research uptake and stakeholder engagement. Unfortunately not everybody could join, due to visa issues, and that was also the case of our colleague Joaquim. Continue reading
by André
We organized our first project meeting since the appointment of the four PhD candidates. The two-day meeting took place in Delft on the last week of September and everybody was presented, the PhD candidates and their supervisors and promotors; we were very happy to host Maria Rusca traveling from the UK and Nelson Matsinhe and Sandra Manuel from Mozambique. We would also like to thank Michel Riemersma for taking to time to be present during the first day and presenting the ideas that RoyalHaskoningDHV has for future developments in Maputo. Continue reading