Maputo 2050: water demand and availability for a growing population and economy

by André

You might have understood by now that I really enjoy playing with data, particularly use publicly available data to characterize decision making processes in the water and sanitation sector in Mozambique. That’s exactly what I did for my previous article. This time around I am looking at water demand for the city of Maputo until 2050 and compare that to the existing and projected availability. Continue reading

Dynamic adaptive policy pathways approach for Maputo

by André and Jesper

Jesper characterized the challenges that Maputo faces using the framework of Dynamic Adaptive Pathways (DAPPS), which was developed by Marjolijn Haasnoot, a colleague at the Faculty of TPM here in Delft. You can read all about Jesper’s work in this entry. Continue reading

Updated publication list

by André

This update was long due. I’ve just added Jesper‘s (MSc), Nessia‘s (MSc), Stijn‘s (BSc) and Jelle‘s (BSc) thesis to the website. I’ve also added Noor‘s recent IWA’s poster. As always, if you wish to receive a copy of any of these documents, please send me an email.


by André

In the last few months we had three MSc defenses: Iana went first, the 19th of September, followed by Jay-el on the 23rd. More recently (30th of November) was the time for Nessia‘s MSc defense. They all did really well and you can grab a copy of the theses here.

Then, on the 24th of November both Celma and Noor defended their research proposals, with Adriano doing the same on the 29th. The three of them got a GO.

Congratulations everybody!

Updated publication list

by André

I have just updated our publication list, both the BSc and the MSc theses. As before, if you wish to receive a copy just send me an email (