QMRA summer course

by Celma

During the period of 22 July to 01 August this year I attended a summer course at Michigan State University (MSU) about Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment. This course was an important experience that provided tools and knowledge to implement AMRA into my PhD research. It also served as a network platform within QMRA researchers community group. Throughout that week I attended lectures and learned how to develop case studies. The course was very intense but I was still able to get around East Lansing visiting the MSU Campus and the University Museum.

Celma at MSU.

One full month in Maputo!

by Jesper

After spending most of our last weekend inside or in close proximity of our residence we are receiving more and more comments from people urging us to explore more of Maputo and its surroundings. Of course we all agree, we are not visiting Mozambique to merely sit in a study room for two or three months. That is why this week we planned a visit to the agricultural zone of Maputo and the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Infulene. For the weekend we planned a travel to the nearby island of Inhaca, which is famous for its beautiful beaches and restaurants serving well-priced fresh lobster. Monday and Tuesday are regular days when we wake up around 7am after a rooster has been urging us to get up for some 2 hours. We visit the canteen for a bread to the side of either a cup of sweet tea or even sweeter milk. Followed by a cup of coffee sometimes accompanied with some shared pastry. Continue reading

Last weeks in Maputo

By Jesse Salet and Hidde Schijfsma

In our last weeks in Maputo the focus of our work was on the developing and environmentally sustainable solution for the sewer produced within UEM Campus. Continue reading

Safe use of wastewater in agriculture

by André

I just came across with this very interesting and informative video produced by the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development that covers issues with reuse of untreated wastewater for irrigation. More information about this project can be found here. Unsurprisingly, the case-studies (Lima, Jakarta and Tehran) presented in the movie share many characteristics with the situation in Maputo, where farmers use the effluent of the wastewater treatment plant that was studied by Irene Caltran in 2014 – make sure to check her report. Continue reading

Using urine in smarter ways – an evening in Amsterdam

by André

I was invited by Mediamatic to give a presentation about the work that Odilia and Stefan did in 2014 with members of the agriculture cooperative “Força do Povo”, in the neighbourhood of Inhagóia B in Maputo. Odilia and Stefan investigated the health risk associated with irrigating crops with urine and that was the topic of their BSc thesis. Continue reading

Unsafe water reuse in Maputo

by André

This short film was produced by UEM and it discusses the ongoing reuse of poorly treated wastewater at the WWTP of Infulene in Maputo.


We have been having some issues with embeding YouTube clips. If that is still the case you can find it here.

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