Last weeks in Maputo

By Jesse Salet and Hidde Schijfsma

In our last weeks in Maputo the focus of our work was on the developing and environmentally sustainable solution for the sewer produced within UEM Campus. Continue reading

Week 2 and 3 in Maputo

By Hidde Schijfsma and Jesse Salet

The more time we spend here in Maputo, the more we learn about this amazing city and the more we get used to the habits of the people over here. Continue reading

Studying and living in the Netherlands – first impressions

by Joaquim Nhampoca

This is a kind of narrative of a quite long process of my coming to the Netherlands for my project. The main purpose is to share with everyone about my PhD programme and obviously my stay in Delft. To make it clear I will start by the application for the PhD position, arrival and accommodation, studying at UNESCO-IHE, and finally living in Delft. Continue reading

The first week in Maputo

By Hidde Schijfsma and Jesse Salet

Last week (16th of November) we arrived at Maputo Airport where we were warmly welcomed by Noor. She drove us around and gave us a nice first impression of Mozambique. During the coming period we will be analyzing the issues of the municipal sewerage system of Maputo. At the moment there are some problems with non-operating pumps and because of that the sewage is discharged directly into the bay. Our goal is to find out the issue behind the non-operating pumps and investigate how the system can be restored or even improved to operate in a more sustainable way. Continue reading

Water reuse for construction in Maputo (in Portuguese)

by Henrique Miotelli

É a minha primeira viagem fora do Brasil, e a minha primeira vez em Maputo. Cheguei na cidade no dia 13 de agosto de 2015, e ficarei até o dia 22 de dezembro de 2015. Minha vinda tem como objetivo realizar meu trabalho de conclusão de curso em Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, sendo um intercâmbio entre a Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina e a Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. Em conversa com meus supervisores Noor Jehan Gulamussem e Nelson Pedro Matsinhe, definiu-se o tema do trabalho buscar os potenciais reutilizadores de água residual tratada, e a viabilidade da aplicação na produção de blocos de concreto na cidade de Maputo. Continue reading

Safe use of wastewater in agriculture

by André

I just came across with this very interesting and informative video produced by the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development that covers issues with reuse of untreated wastewater for irrigation. More information about this project can be found here. Unsurprisingly, the case-studies (Lima, Jakarta and Tehran) presented in the movie share many characteristics with the situation in Maputo, where farmers use the effluent of the wastewater treatment plant that was studied by Irene Caltran in 2014 – make sure to check her report. Continue reading

First group meeting

by André

We organized our first project meeting since the appointment of the four PhD candidates. The two-day meeting took place in Delft on the last week of September and everybody was presented, the PhD candidates and their supervisors and promotors; we were very happy to host Maria Rusca traveling from the UK and Nelson Matsinhe and Sandra Manuel from Mozambique. We would also like to thank Michel Riemersma for taking to time to be present during the first day and presenting the ideas that RoyalHaskoningDHV has for future developments in Maputo. Continue reading

Fecal sludge management platform

by André and Hanneke

We are very happy to finally make this public. For the past few months we have been working on a proposal to create a Fecal Sludge Management platform in the city of Maputo, Mozambique. Continue reading

First steps towards the PhD on sustainable water supply in urbanizing Maputo

By Noor Jehan Gulamussen

I stayed two and half months in Delft from the 12th of April until the 30th of June 2015. This was my second time in Delft, with the weather being much better than the first time (November-December 2014). Continue reading