Safe use of wastewater in agriculture

by André

I just came across with this very interesting and informative video produced by the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development that covers issues with reuse of untreated wastewater for irrigation. More information about this project can be found here. Unsurprisingly, the case-studies (Lima, Jakarta and Tehran) presented in the movie share many characteristics with the situation in Maputo, where farmers use the effluent of the wastewater treatment plant that was studied by Irene Caltran in 2014 – make sure to check her report. Continue reading

PhD defense of Valentina Zuin

by André

Valentina Zuin defended her PhD last year and someone took the opportunity to film her presentation. It is really worth watching if you want to better understand water supply in Maputo, especially in the peri-urban areas and in the informal settlements. In detail, Valentina studied the water resale market in the city and she shows that resellers do not behave as entrepreneurs and that they are not motivated principally by profits. According to Valentina, these people are typically selling water to i) obtain cash to meet daily subsistence needs, ii) as a form of social insurance and/or iii) to help neighbours.

For some reason I cannot embed the movie in this post but you can find it here.

Unsafe water reuse in Maputo

by André

This short film was produced by UEM and it discusses the ongoing reuse of poorly treated wastewater at the WWTP of Infulene in Maputo.


We have been having some issues with embeding YouTube clips. If that is still the case you can find it here.

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