Week 5 in Maputo

Have you ever had a traumatic Monday morning wake up? We started the week with a lot of water on the floor of our room – a tap accident in our house. Is this going to stop your heroes?

At work in our soaked room

Of course not!

Odilia and Stefan had a meeting with Sandra Manuel, anthropology doctor at the University Eduardo Mondlane (UEM). They discussed with her the survey questions to address to the residents of the Inhagóia districts, about family composition, incomes and, of course, water use.

For the centralized waste water treatment plant, I am investigating the price and availability of equipment & reagents for the water quality measurements. At the Civil Engineering UEM Laboratory I had a couple of meetings with Maria das Dores A. Tavares, who is in charge for laboratory assistance. The Laboratory has a new DO measurement device and I might have the honor to be the first user .
Laboratory analysis can also be performed by the Laboratory of the Ministry of Health (Laboratório National de Higiene de Alimentos e Águas).

You will hear from us soon,

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