Water reclamation

Starting date: February 2014
Duration: 5 years
Consortium members: Technical University of Delft, Unesco-IHE, UEM, Fipag, Vitens-Evides International, Royal HaskoningDHV, Waterschapsbedrijf Limburg
Financer: This project is part of Research Programme “Urbanising Deltas of the World” funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This project aims at solving the issues described for Maputo through the implementation of water reclamation. The project involved four PhD candidates. Celma and Noor will study the technical aspects of water reuse; while Celma will focus on the production of water for irrigation, Noor’s aim will be supplying industries with treated wastewater. For both candidates the objective will be designing systems to produce “water-fit-for-use”: adequate the level of treatment to the quality standards for a specific use. On the other hand, Adriano and Natalia will study the social aspects of water reuse. Adriano will investigate the roles of Government organizations in wastewater treatment and their perceptions regarding water reuse. Natalia will look into the current practices of wastewater management and water reclamation at a community level.

Our approach
To achieve these objectives TU Delft, Unesco-IHE, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, and several other partners have teamed-up and are currently involved in a water reclamation project with four local PhD candidates and we have submitted proposals for three other projects. One on managed aquifer recharge, to NWO, and one on fecal sludge management, to ViaWater. An overview of all our projects is available here. Please, feel free to check our publication list. If you wish to get more information about our work don’t hesitate contacting André Arsénio by email.

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