Merle de Kreuk

Merle de Kreuk is assistant professor wastewater treatment and anaerobic digestion processes at Sanitary Engineering, TU Delft. After her graduation from Wageningen University in 1997, she started her career at IHC Holland, where among others she worked on an innovative technology for separation of contaminated soil and the clean sand fraction. This so called jig-technology was later applied in many soil remediation projects. After returning to academics, she obtained her Ph.D in Environmental Biotechnology at TU Delft in 2006. During her PhD she studied and developed the aerobic granular sludge research technology Nereda. After her PhD she spend a few years bridging academic research with Nereda full scale development at Royal HaskoningDHV. From 2009, she worked for almost three years at a Dutch Waterauthority, where she started a project on the application of Anammox in the mainstream of a wastewater treatment plant, and where she was part of the wastewater treatment plant of the furure studies, that led to the “resource factory” concept, in which technologies are developed and applied to reach energy producing sewage treatment, as well as the recovery of resources as nutrients and water. In 2011, she returned to TU Delft, where she focusses on granule formation processes (aerobic and anaerobic) and hydrolysis processes in anaerobic digestion.

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