EXPOPLAMA 2018 – Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in the water sector

by André

Times flies and we just had a new edition of Aquashare Expoplama conference. This time around there was a great focus on innovation and entrepreneurship, two topics that are very important for us, so read along my highlights of the event. Continue reading

Maputo 2050: water demand and availability for a growing population and economy

by André

You might have understood by now that I really enjoy playing with data, particularly use publicly available data to characterize decision making processes in the water and sanitation sector in Mozambique. That’s exactly what I did for my previous article. This time around I am looking at water demand for the city of Maputo until 2050 and compare that to the existing and projected availability. Continue reading

Voting for toilets and healthy environment in Maputo City

by Adriano

The electoral season in Mozambique is open. On October 10th we are going to have the fifth municipal elections in the country. This election will decide who are the new decision– makers and solvers of the various problems that affect the 53 large and small cities and towns of Mozambique. The debates held so far in the run up to the elections are more directed to conventional politics: the transfers of members from one party to another, the exclusion by the National Election Commission of three candidates from the opposition side, the anecdotes about temporary adversarial linkages that weave behind the scenes of parties. Continue reading

IHE Delft interview with Natalia

by André

Natalia, who we featured a few weeks back, was recently interviewed by IHE Delft and told them all about her life as a PhD and about her work in Maputo. Don’t miss it! Continue reading

Frame analysis for the water restrictions in Maputo

by Teresa

Teresa, our latest MSc student, under the supervision of Adriano,  looked into the water restrictions in Maputo and how these have been managed by the different institutions. She has her defense next week you can read all about here work here below, also: make sure you check her thesis. Continue reading

Water and the social organization of Infulene’s smallholder horticultural production

by Natalia

Natalia is taking this opportunity to tell us a bit more about the research proposal she will defend next September. Continue reading

Movie report from Laura

By André

Just like last year, Maputo is currently undergoing a serious drought and major water restrictions throughout the city. What if you would use treated wastewater instead of normal tap water to cool the future power plant in Maputo? That’s exactly what Laura tried to investigate and instead of the typical blog posts she opted for a short movie to tell you all about it. Here it is:


We all hope you like it! Note: if you have troubles with the embedded video, you can find it here.